Parent Partnership ALE vs Homeschool
Enrollment in the Parent Partnership Program / Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) and home-based instruction (homeschool) are different educational models. P3 students are full-time public school students enrolled in the district. The program might sometimes feel like homeschooling, but it's governed by a different section of state law.
Parent Partnership Program ALE includes the following:
- Is a public education enrollment option authorized under WAC 392-550
- Subject to all state and federal rules and regulations governing public education
- Curriculum and instructional materials meet district standards and are free from sectarian control or influence
- Learning experiences are:
- Supervised, monitored, assessed, and evaluated by a certificated teacher
- May be planned in collaboration with the student, parent, and teacher
- Provided via a Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)
- Provided in whole, or part, outside the regular classroom.
Home-based Instruction includes the following:
- Instruction is developed and supervised by the parent or guardian as authorized under RCW 28A.200 and 28A.225.010.
- The parent has filed an annual Declaration of Intent with the district.
- Students are neither enrolled nor eligible for graduation through a public high school unless they meet all district and state graduation requirements.
- Students are not subject to the rules and regulations governing public school, including course, graduation, and assessment requirements.
- The public school is under no obligation to provide instruction or instructional materials, or to supervise the student’s education.